India’s ICT Exports Double in 2009

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Feb. 3 – India’s exports and imports of information and communications technology (ICT) grew by 244 percent in 2009, according to a UN agency.

Though India’s export growth surged rapidly, tremendous import growth moved India from 28th to 17th in the global ranking of ICT importers, according to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

The agency also noted that more than one third of the world’s ICT exports now come from Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. Asia, as a region, accounted for two thirds of global ICT exports.

Even during the periods of difficulty directly following the global financial crisis, mainland China exported ICT goods valued at US$356 billion in 2009, followed by Hong Kong ($142 billion) and the US ($113 billion), UNCTAD said.

While ICT exports from most exporters declined in 2009 as a result of the crisis, the dip was particularly among several European nations.

ICT exports dropped by more than half in Portugal and Finland, by a third in Ireland, and by more than 20 percent in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Sweden.

The US, China, and Hong Kong are at the top of the list of ICT importers worldwide.