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Send Large Documents Without Worry: Compress PDFs to 100kb, 200kb, and 300kb with Adobe


Timely information exchange is vital for organizational success, but email file size restrictions on large documents make sharing challenging, which is where PDF compressors become essential.

India and Iran: Economic Relations and Geopolitical Hindrances


The article examines the economic ties between India and Iran, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities between both countries.

India’s Latest Guidelines on International Travel


India has relaxed international travel restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Latest Updates on India’s FTAs in 2022


India has successfully closed trade deals with the UAE and Australia this year and remains ambitious about its trade talks with other key markets, such as the UK.

India’s Position on Russian Oil: No to Price Cap, Cooperation in Leasing and Construction of Large Crude Carriers


India is not supporting the US$60-price cap per barrel imposed on Russian oil by the G7, EU.

COVID-19 in India: Live Updates


This page provides daily updates on the coronavirus outbreak in India, including tracking new cases and the COVID vaccine roll-out.

India Throws Cat Among US & UK Hawks by Joining Military Parade with Chinese Soldiers in Moscow’s Red Square


Op-ed by Chris Devonshire-Ellis India’s military and government have thrown a gauntlet down to the United States in parading soldiers on Red Square yesterday, being the delayed Victory Parade concerning the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of WWII in 1945. This year is the 75th anniversary of that occasion. At the time, India […]

India Briefing and Dezan Shira Sponsor Swim & First Ever Kayak, Paddleboard between Sri Lanka & India


India Briefing and the professional serves firm Dezan Shira & Associates have sponsored and made charitable donations inspired by the Adam’s Bridge Swim 2020.

Showing 8 of 11 articles
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  • Establishing a Foreign Company in India
  • Where to Invest in India
  • Manufacturing and Trading in India
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